Leaving today on my first ever “Comic Con” tour!  I have Guy Gilchrist and Colleen Smith participating in Southwest Asia.  For security purposes, we aren’t allowed to identify the exact locations until after the tour is completed.  I’ve never really been “involved” in one of these but have learned a LOT while organizing it.  Looking forward to a really fun time.

I was unable to check in online because we are flying American to JFK and then Qatar Airways to Doha, Qatar and then on to our final destination.  There was a man in front of me with two large suitcases and he had them lying on the floor and kept opening and moving things from one to the other and into and out of his carryon bag. He had toilet paper in all the bags and every time he would move something, a roll would fall out and unwind across the floor.  It took him forever to get his bags to the correct weight and then for some reason, he still had to pay!  Based on the toilet tissue, I thought he was going somewhere “remote” but he was going to LA for 2 weeks.  Guess they don’t have toilet tissue in LA any more.

When it was finally my turn, the agent was so distracted that she sent one of my bags without the proper tag and had to chase it down.  Another agent arrived and my agent quit checking me in and started talking to her about someone who had tried to check in earlier and was still “sitting” in the waiting area. She also asked to see my Visa (which we pick up once we land) and I had a “copy” of our application so showed that to her.  It’s all in Arabic so she had no idea what she was looking at but accepted it as valid.   It took me almost 30 minutes just to get checked in.

Thunderstorms were predicted for Nashville so I was very apprehensive that the flight would be delayed and also not looking forward to flying in storms.  Guy arrived at the airport before me and I met him in the Admiral’s Club.  Colleen is flying from Los Angeles to Doha, Qatar (15 ½ hours!) and we’ll meet her there.

We boarded the AA airlines flight to JFK on time and I was getting weather warnings every few minutes about lightning in the area, strong storms, etc.   I rarely fly American Airlines because I am not a fan of that airline.  But, it was basically our only option! The pilot told us before we took off that the first 10 minutes or so would be turbulent.  He did not lie.  Then it was extremely turbulent again about 30 minutes prior to landing.

We are switching to Qatar Airlines (thank goodness) for the flight from JFK to Doha, Qatar.  I had read that there was a new Qatar Airlines Lounge for first class passengers (like the one I visited at JFK on my Delta flight a few weeks ago) so Guy and I went in search of it once we landed.  There were no signs for anything but the Admirals Club.  We asked several different people for directions and each one told us something different.  We finally found it!  It is not nearly as “awesome” as the PR says.  There is a restaurant where you can “order” from a very limited selection of items.  There are no “business” cubicles except a few where my laptop would be level with my chin for typing!  I walked into the Lounge next door that is not for First Class Passengers and it is much nicer.  They had a huge buffet and lots of work space.  But we had already settled into this Lounge for the next 4 hours and decided to stick it out.

Someone on the staff gave us a menu when we sat down and then we never saw them again.  We did get a glass of water but after that we had to chase someone down for a refill.  There were no “self-service” stations anywhere so we were totally at the mercy of the disappearing staff.  We finally moved into the “restaurant” area and were able to order from the menu. Guy decided he needed to walk around for a few minutes and I told him to leave his bag since I was going to stay and work.  He was gone for quite a while and when he came back he said that he was told that he could not re-enter the Lounge!  He explained that he was already in the Lounge and all his things were in there with me.  They told him he never should have been allowed in the Lounge because he was on a domestic flight!  Someone at another desk in front of the Lounge where I was waiting for him intervened and told him he could go in and get his things.  When we were leaving I stopped to talk to the staff that had been so nice and told them we were flying Qatar Airways in First Class to Doha.  They confirmed that we were allowed to access that Lounge.  The man who had been so rude was listening to our conversation and actually making snide comments to the lady sitting with him.  I stopped and got his name as we were leaving and will definitely let Qatar Airways know about his behavior.

I told Guy we should just go to the gate because it was less than an hour before we boarded.  As we were walking to the gate, we heard our names being called to report to the gate immediately.  I knew we still had at least an hour before we boarded but panicked because anything can change on a foreign carrier on an international flight.  When we arrived at the gate, we had to show our boarding passes and baggage claim checks.  The gate attendant said that our bags could not be loaded until we had checked in at the counter!  Never had that happen before. Then the agent informed us that we still had 45 minutes until the flight boarded and were welcome to use the Lounge.  We both emphatically said “No!” at the same time.   LOL

The boarding process was an unorganized mess.  All the wheelchair passengers were, of course, asked to board first. Then we started boarding and about halfway through the process, an entire line of wheelchair passengers arrived again and we had to step away.  When I got on the plane, a man was sitting in my seat.  When the flight attendant nicely told him he was seated on the other side of the plane, he was surly and reluctantly moved.  Then I started to put my bag in the overhead, my compartment and the one next to it were filled with wheelchairs!  The flight attendant said she would put it in the overhead several rows down but I told her I “have” to work on the flight and needed it near me.  She then moved the wheelchair in my compartment into the same compartment as the other wheelchair.

The flight attendants are really nice and the seat is exceptional.  There is an empty space between the seat and the window with a cushion that pulls up. That’s the storage space.  One of the best designs I’ve seen on an aircraft.  They give you an amenity kit that contains name brand products and also give each passenger a pair of pajamas – that can be taken with you.  The menu is extensive and it’s possible to eat anything at any time you want.  I watched a really good “action” movie and ate dinner.  Then slept for 4 hours!  The WiFi is intermittent but was able to connect for a fee of $10. It worked fine while I was sleeping but after I woke up, it kept going out.  Flight attendant said it is because of the air space around Iran.  So, I didn’t get a lot done the last 4 hours of the flight.

We landed on time and had about 2 hours before our flight.  Colleen wasn’t due to land for another hour.  We decided we really didn’t want to take a chance on going to the Lounge again so we just walked around and let Guy see the expensive shops.  There was an Oreo Cookie Shop that is the only one located in an airport.  Guy stopped and had a truly decadent chocolate covered croissant!

Colleen arrived on time and we only had about 30 minutes before we were supposed to board our next flight.  It was a “bus gate” and they boarded all the other passengers before Business/First Class.  Once again, the seats were spectacular.  Just seems like such a “waste” for an hour and a half flight.

I swear, 20 minutes after we took off, they announced we were landing.  We landed at 8:30 instead of 9:00 pm.  We didn’t have any problem clearing Immigration but Guy got pulled aside by Customs.  They wouldn’t let us go with him but I stood close enough that I could watch him.  When they found the puppets – Kermit the Frog and Rowlf, they freaked out.  There were several agents standing around and Guy was trying to explain.  Finally, they made him “perform” and then they let him go!  Weird!!!

Our escorts were waiting with two SUV’s instead of a bus since there’s only 3 of us.  Two of my very dear friends (and the person responsible for making the shows happen at two of the bases) were sweet enough to meet us when we arrived, too.  We also learned that there is a big Comic Con downtown this weekend for the General Public.  But don’t think there’s any U.S. participants and it’s too hard for the military men and women to get off base.  Shouldn’t hurt our participation.

We were in my favorite hotel in this Region 30 minutes later.  It’s now getting close to 3 am and time for me to shut down and get a few hours of sleep.

First show tomorrow…




Didn’t actually make it in bed until 5 am.  UGH!  But I slept until 9:30 am then worked out and dressed for the trip to our first base.  I took the autograph cards to Guy so he could start signing them.  He sent me a message and said that his name is misspelled on the cards!  It is spelled Cilchrist instead of Gilchrist!  I am mortified.  Nothing we can do about it now but I did take a sharpie and make the “C” a “G”!

We departed for today’s base at 1:00 pm and it was about a 2 hour drive.  Colleen and I rode in one vehicle and Guy rode with Darius.  Drivers are absolutely CRAZY here and when they wreck their vehicles, they just leave them on the side of the road and get another one!  We passed a huge SUV lying on it’s side and a man was lying in the street beside it.  There were lots of police standing around him.  I explained to Colleen that they would not do anything to save his life because their religion believes it is “Allah’s Will” if he dies.  They will take him to the hospital although I’m not sure how quickly an ambulance will be dispatched.  So sad and upsetting to both of us.

We arrived at the base in time to go by the base exchange.  Gil purchased some sunglasses because he forgot his.  Colleen got some stuffed camels for her niece and nephew and I got Zoe another pearl necklace from the guy who is now my best friend at the little jewelry shop inside the exchange.

Next stop was the “simulator gun range”.  Guy had never even shot a gun and the only time Colleen had shot was when she toured for me previously.  I took photos while they enjoyed “playing”!

I love visiting this particular Camp because it is so remote and isolated from everyone.  Yet there are a LOT of people living here.  We went to the MWR facility to check out the show and made a few “adjustments” to the stage.  Since we had a little free time, Colleen and I went to the food court and had pasta for lunch.

Base leadership came to see us at 5 pm and there is a new base commander since I was here previously.  All really nice men!  And the CSM was here on my last visit and he rocks!  They gave us all plaques of appreciation for our visit.

We started the show a few minutes late as people were still coming in.  We started with an introduction of each entertainer and Guy had a slide presentation that he showed.  Then we had a lengthy Question and Answer Session that everyone attending seemed to enjoy.  Afterwards, Colleen and Guy and their “puppets” took photos with everyone. That was a big hit especially since Guy brought Kermit the Frog.

The only thing we couldn’t do on our “program” was the costume contest.  No one dressed up.  When I questioned them, they said it was just too hard to find something as a costume.  I get it!  So we gave prizes to the best puppeteer and the person who drew the best character.

We finished about 30 minutes earlier than we expected since there was no costume contest.  We actually arrived back at the hotel in time to have the complimentary HUGE buffet dinner tonight.  The hotel was packed and so was the restaurant.  It always is on “Man Love Thursday” but that is a story for after the tour departs here.  LOL.

It’s 3:30 am now so I’m hoping to go to bed soon.  It was a really great first show and I know we made a positive impact on everyone who attended the event.




I forgot to mention that we drove through a dust storm to the base yesterday.  It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced one of those.  The wind was blowing our SUV all over the highway and when we got out of the vehicle at the base, we were covered with dust.  Fortunately, it blew over before our show time.

Lobby call today was at 1:50 pm.  Yesterday’s drive was 2 hours but today it’s only about 20 minutes.  We arrived in time to visit the base exchange for a few minutes.  Had to take photos with my jewelry shop guy and all the men in the barber shop and hair salon.  LOL

We went to the gun range simulator again and this time, Colleen and Guy actually got some “hits”.  The instructors were really patient with them and they were so proud of themselves. Don joined us there and gave me the bad news that he and Debbie would not be able to come to the show tonight.  He has to work and she isn’t feeling well because of the dust everyone has been inhaling for the past couple of days.  So sad I won’t get to see her again.

Next stop was the base commander’s office.  She is a female and so nice.  We visited with them for a few minutes and they gave everyone a really nice plaque – with Guy’s name spelled correctly!

The show is in a really nice theater.  Our “emcee” has emceed events before and was great.  He even wore a costume!  My dear friend Tameca was there.  She is so awesome.  I love a female “go-getter” and that definitely describes her.

The show was even better today.  It was kicked off with the Q&A session and then Colleen had a couple of people come up and “puppeteer” and Guy brought three people up to “draw”.  Then we had the costume contest.  Our emcee and one other person were the only ones in costume so we gave them both prizes.

The line for photos and autographs was long but we still finished earlier than expected.  We were back at the hotel by around 9:30 pm – in time to eat dinner again.  We had a nice dinner and conversation critiquing today’s performance.

Tomorrow is the show at the Air Base and the reason this tour is here.  The POC there approached me about bringing a Comic Con here when I met her last May.  I’m so glad she did.  This has been such a fun tour for the people who attended and really easy to put together.

3 am and I’m going to bed!  Noon lobby call.



I got up really early so I could go downstairs and say hello to the hotel staff before we departed.  They always treat us so good here.

Our POC (TSgt “E”) and our driver were already waiting for us when we came downstairs.  We loaded into their van for the drive to Ali Al Salem – approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours depending upon traffic.  I sat in the little front seat by the window because I knew I would be car sick if I sat in the back.  About 2 minutes into the drive, we realized this was not going to be fun.  The van is extremely noisy – so much so that we can’t hear each other talk.  But that’s not the worse part.  There were NO SHOCKS on the van.  It was by far the roughest ride I’ve ever had in a van anywhere in the world. The driver explained that it is the only van the base has that is “cleared” to go off base.

In year’s past, the Army (MWR) always transported us to Ali and then we had to switch vehicles when we arrived at their gate.  We will definitely go back to that plan in the future.

We stopped at “The Rock” and took a photo and then went to the theatre where we will perform.  Lulani (the person whose “idea” it was to hold the Comic Con) met us.  Donald and his “guys” are handling the Production here.  We made a few adjustments and then walked to the DFAC for lunch.  Because it was after 1 pm, only a few people – mostly military from other countries – were there eating.

I didn’t realize our show time had been changed to 4 pm and was delighted to hear that since we have a 5:30 am departure to the airport.  Lulani is going to be the emcee and she dressed in a really cool costume.  The FSS Commander joined us for lunch and mentioned that she would also be wearing a costume with a “pink dress”.  Nice to meet so many “females” who have the rank of “Commander” now!

We went back to the theatre to get ready for the show.  When the FSS Commander showed up in her costume, I would not have recognized her if she hadn’t told me she would be in a pink dress!  The Deputy Commander is also a female and wearing a costume.

The event was great.  After answering a lot of questions, Colleen had 3 people come up to “puppeteer” and then Guy brought up 3 people to draw.  We awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for each category and then also gave a prize for best costume.  Everyone attending came up to have a photo taken after the event.

We departed the base earlier than expected and the ride back was even worse than the ride there.  I don’t know if our driver had somewhere he needed to be or if he always drives like that but he had the gas pedal all the way to the floor.  It was already terribly bumpy but his speed made it even worse.  If a car had pulled over in front of us, which they do all the time, we would not have been able to stop.  I told him to slow down!

We made it back to the hotel in one piece – nauseous but safe.  We were able to eat a final dinner in the hotel.  I’m going to bed at least by midnight tonight since I have to get up at 4 am!

What a fun, easy event to execute.  Hope to do more of these in the future!




So now that we have left the area, I can say that we were in Kuwait with performances at Camp Buehring, Camp Arifjan, and Ali Al Salem – in that order.  The beautiful hotel I reference is the Radisson Blu.

After sleeping for 2 ½ hours, I met the group in the lobby for the short drive to the airport.  No traffic today on Sunday!  There wasn’t even a line for check in.  We did not have issues this time going through security.  Colleen and I were on a search for “shortbread camels” because Kuwait is the only place I have seen them.  Unfortunately, they were out of stock and said it would be a few months before they stock them again.  Who would ever have guessed that shortbread camels are “seasonal” items!

We went to the Pearl Lounge and Guy noticed that our boarding pass indicated that we should be boarding NOW.  I knew that couldn’t be right because no flights board 2 hours prior to departure.  I asked the Lounge staff and they assured me it was a mistake and they would “call the flight” when we should board.  I had a freshly made omelet because I plan to fall asleep immediately when we board.  We didn’t wait until the flight was called because everyone has to go through a security scanner AGAIN.  We had just gone through a scanner less than an hour ago when we checked in.  Makes no sense to me!

We boarded on time and British Airways isn’t nearly as nice as Qatar Airways!  But, it was still nice. They have the darkening window shades that are adjusted with a button.   Only my button did not work and there was bright sunlight streaming through…not conducive to good sleep. I told the flight attendant but she insisted all I had to do was push the button.  I asked her to try it and of course, it didn’t work.   She had to reset it.  I had opened all the “amenities” and put the trash on the ledge beside my seat.  They ignored it the entire time we were sitting at the gate so I finally just stuffed it between the seat and the window!  I told the flight attendant that I was not going to eat after takeoff as I wanted to sleep.  I closed the little “door” to the suite and passed out immediately.  I woke up about 2 hours before landing and was definitely going to eat the meal before we arrived JFK.  I opened my door and pulled out my tray table.  They totally ignored me again.  Served everyone but me!  I had to go chase the flight attendant down and ask for the meal.  She apologized and said I was sleeping and she didn’t want to disturb me.  I am convinced I was invisible on that flight!

We landed a few minutes early and fortunately our departure gate is out of the same terminal.  The security still sucks in Heathrow though.  They have their own “set of rules” completely different from all other airports.  Colleen was going to “run” and try to make the direct flight from London to Kuwait instead of having to connect through JFK.  She arrived after the flight was boarding so was unable to change it.  Guy and I went to the Lounge for a few minutes and then walked to the gate.  I wish I had walked around and looked at the shops instead of going to the Lounge because there was a Harrod’s on the way to the gate.  I was still able to stop and get a few gifts.

Our flight boarded on time and it was an entirely different type of aircraft.  There wasn’t a first and business class section.  Just a business class section.  Just as we were boarding, I realized that I had left some items on the flight from Kuwait.  I told the flight attendant but it was too late to retrieve them.  They gave me a website to check in a couple of days to see if the items had been found.  My guess is, I can kiss those items good-bye permanently!

Watched a strange movie and then slept for 2 hours.  We landed Nashville a few minutes early and our arrival was interesting.  It was in a part of the Nashville airport that I never knew existed.  We walked a long way from the gate to where we were supposed to go through Immigration.  Only there was a lady telling everyone we had to pick up our checked bags BEFORE we went through Immigration.  In all my years of flying all over the world, I’ve never done that.  Baggage claim was right next to the Immigration lines but everyone then had to weave their way through all the stantions with all their luggage to clear Immigration.  My journey through was quick because I have Global Entry but Guy did not have it.  There was one agent working Global Entry and one working everyone else.  I waited for him outside Immigration but it took him at least 20 minutes longer than me.

Really had a great tour and it was very educational to see how the Comic Con works.  Special thanks to Lulani at Ali Al Salem for requesting this tour and for Don at Arifjan for making it possible to visit Arifjan and Buehring.

Home for a week and then off for a Gary Sinise Tour to Poland!